We had our second playdate this week with two wonderful girls, Miss Ella Grace (whom we've already had the pleasure of meeting) and Miss Camdyn Reece. The girls were dressed so precious and the moms were a pleasure to visit with.
I honestly don't think Barrett had any idea that they were here...but hopefully as he gets a little older, he will interact more.
He and Camdyn will be staying at the babysitter's together. I can't wait for the two of them to be able to communicate (baby babble) with one another.
Order of pictures: (left to right)
Camdyn "Cam", Ella Grace, Barrett Luke
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Playdate #2
Tummy Time
We're getting closer and closer to holding our head up. Every book or article that I've read has stressed the issue of "tummy time" (for the strengthening of neck muscles in an infant).
At first, Barrett wasn't thrilled about participating in "tummy time". We barely lasted 5 minutes on the floor. However, after multiple practices, we've managed increase our time limit.
He does like napping on his tummy though. I found that he sleeps for longer periods of time and I think it is soothing to any gas/stomach problems he might be having.
Yesterday was the best. He went down for a nap and slept for 3 hours.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
2 Months
Good Deed
I was so disappointed when I realized that I was going to have to throw it all out. All that time and energy wasted.
Hours before I started cleaning out the freezer, I spoke to a friend of mine that suggested the most wonderful idea. She asked if I had ever considered donating my milk to a milk bank. What a fabulous idea!!!!
I checked into the process of how, what, and when to do it. It was simple!!!!
Friday night, I drove over to Richardson Medical Center and donated over 521 ounces! Walking out the doors of that hospital, I felt so proud of myself!!!!
*No pictures for this blog post -ha ha ha
Monday, July 14, 2008
Our First Playdate
We hope to have more visits again soon.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
4th of July
Our "Bunch" has made it to 7 weeks
Wow...Barrett is really growing. Not only has he reached 9 pounds, he has also started smiling and cooing! It's adorable.
Recently, our pediatrician detected a small heart murmur. Of course it scared me to death, but after seeing the cardiologist, I discovered that I had nothing to worry about. The murmur should close on its own naturally and Barrett's health is fine.
Barrett is also sleeping through the night, although we're still working on transporting him from the rocking chair over to his crib without waking him up. It never fails......every time we "think he is asleep", he opens his little peepers as soon as he hits the mattress pad!
All in all..............life is great. I couldn't ask for more. Matt and I are truly having the time of our lives. Every day we thank God for such a wonder, little miracle.
Having the perfect husband and the sweetest baby boy makes life worth living.