Barrett and I spent the week in Throckmorton with my parents, sister, brother-in-law and two nieces. We had such a wonderful time and Barrett met many milestones while we were there.
- -He has started talking and loves hearing himself. Plus, he enjoys all the attention he gets from the family. They had him squealing with delight. Once he gets to talking, he moves his legs and arms so fast...I seriously think he is about to "take off" in flight.
- He is so close to turning over...but his arm gets into the way...leaving him with quiet a temper!
- -He is wearing 3month clothes...and turned 3 months today. Therefore, he seems to be right on track. Although I must admit, his feet are so long. In that department, the child is wearing 6-12 month socks!
- -He has occasions where he will eat 6 ounces and still squeals for more, more, more. If he eats anything like his daddy...we're going to be in BIG trouble.
These are some "work gloves" that Papa gave Barrett. The two of them are already good buddies and Barrett can't wait to help his Papa on the farm.

Meme and Papa talking to Barrett and Barrett talking back!!! He loves all the attention he gets when he is there.