Since the spider suit didn't work out very well, I decided to dress Barrett up as a pirate for Halloween night. It was much more comfortable and he was so much happier. Isn't that what really matters????
We drove to Throckmorton Friday night. Leave it to a small town (population of 900) to for-go Halloween until Nov. 1 (mainly due to the fact that our six man football team was in the playoffs and everyone rather be at the game than trick or treating).So, Saturday night, we took Barrett along with his two cousins door to door for some trick or treating. People in Throckmorton actually leave their lights on and doors OPEN...even though they may not be there. The kids know to just open the door, grab some candy, and head on to the next house.
Even the Halloween carinval (moved to Saturday night instead of Friday) began earlier because the Texas vs. TX Tech game was on. The majority of people from Throckmorton graduated or attended Tech. Since the people living in Throckmorton run the events at the carnival...they too had to shut it down because everyone wanted to be at home when the game came on t.v.
Overall, it was a fun trip. The whole family was excited to see and play with Barrett!!!! He had a fun time with them too.
Meme and Barrett letting mama and daddy sleep in.

Hanging out with cousins and Aunt Brandi
I absolutely LOVE this picture! He is such a happy little boy!