We had our 2 year doctor's appointment today. Barrett was so brave. He stepped on the "big boy" scale (then proceeded to jump on and off of it...greatness), sat super still while the doctor checked him over, and only cried for a brief moment when he got his shots. He felt much better after a sucker and sticker.
The doctor was very impressed with all aspects of Barrett's growth. He commented on Barrett's use of vocabulary and his ability to express himself so well.
Can you believe my baby boy was "off the charts" with his height? ha ha ha How did you guess???
The doctor was very impressed with all aspects of Barrett's growth. He commented on Barrett's use of vocabulary and his ability to express himself so well.
Can you believe my baby boy was "off the charts" with his height? ha ha ha How did you guess???
2 Year Stats:
Weight - 32 lbs 90%
Height - 38 1/2 inches 95%
We've started potty training, trying to transition to drinking from a cup, and planning on getting into a full size "big boy" bed soon. He reminds me of a little Hulk the way he stretches out in his toddler bed and pushes against the wooden slats. I just know he's about to snap one of the slats in two!
He is still attached to his Hot Wheels........ya know, usually one in each hand. That's fine with me, but I find them hidden in all kinds of places: couch, bed, my closet, my car, my purse, the cabinets in the kitchen, flower beds, cups (yes...ones that are full of liquid and that I'm currently drinking out of), the bath tub, under tables and just about any other place you can imagine. The worst is when you're walking bare foot across the floor and you happen to step on one unexpectedly........or, when he wants one specific type of Hot Wheel and you have no clue where to find it. We have lots of "house searches" for specific Hot Wheels.
I love it though. I certainly wouldn't have it any other way!!!!!
Art Work: Here is a little peek at Barrett's art work from school. He was excited to show me this particular piece of work when I picked him up today!

He is still attached to his Hot Wheels........ya know, usually one in each hand. That's fine with me, but I find them hidden in all kinds of places: couch, bed, my closet, my car, my purse, the cabinets in the kitchen, flower beds, cups (yes...ones that are full of liquid and that I'm currently drinking out of), the bath tub, under tables and just about any other place you can imagine. The worst is when you're walking bare foot across the floor and you happen to step on one unexpectedly........or, when he wants one specific type of Hot Wheel and you have no clue where to find it. We have lots of "house searches" for specific Hot Wheels.
I love it though. I certainly wouldn't have it any other way!!!!!
Art Work: Here is a little peek at Barrett's art work from school. He was excited to show me this particular piece of work when I picked him up today!