We're doing spectacular. God has blessed us in so many ways and I must take the opportunity to say what a great start to my school year has been. I'm working with an exceptional group of ladies, a great new principal, and I have a wonderful group of students...teaching Math and Science to.
We couldn't be happier with the decision we made in Barrett's new school. He loves his teachers (I really think he has a secret crush on Mrs. Phillips), has already made some sweet, new friends (although we'll never forget our old ones....Wyatt Martin), and I'm impressed with the knowleged he has gained in such a short amount of time.

As far as the house goes...I'm LOVING it! Little by little, I'm decorating rooms or adding on. We put the brakes on getting landscaping done this summer. It became way too hot and we knew if we spent the money buying beautiful new flowers, etc. that we would want to water a lot more. With the restrictions and fear of a really expensive water bill...we decided to postpone landscaping until midyear or even the spring. Something to look forward to, right?
No worries, I have plenty of other things I plan to accomplish within the next few month. Matt thinks my "To Do" list (or really "Wish List") is never-ending. He's RIGHT! hahaha That's a woman for ya!
Item up next..............shutters!!!! Who wants to help?!
So proud of Matt! Really!!! He's always been great with working on cars, but assembling a playground...we have YET to do! Well, Matt decided to take the bull by the horns this weekend an put together a little swing set for Barrett. He did a great job! He finished up Sunday after church, and by the time Barrett woke up from his nap...his daddy had it all put together and ready to go!
Let's keep that cooler weather around so we can hang out in the backyard a little more!!!!