Miss Mallory Brook
At a little over 8 months of age, Mallory weighs 20.5 lbs, she is 30.5 inches long!!! She's has no other choice but to be TALL!!! That's okay, I'm ready for my future WNBA/volleyball/swimmer!!!!!She's not crawling yet, but scoots around on her belly, blips and turns, sits up with ease, and loves music. Any time there is music playing, her arms go up and she is moving!!! It's really more of a "bob" or bounce with arms up high, and legs moving too. If she were a bird, she would have no problem taking flight!
She smiles, is very social, likes to watch and laugh at her brother, enjoys little afternoon cat naps with her daddy, loves to snuggle with me before going to bed, and when she does go to bed...she doesn't need to be rocked, but simply plays until she falls asleep.
I love holding her close and rubbing noses with her. She thinks it's the funny! She's ticklish, wants to be held a lot, and loves attention. To be honest, I'm totally fine with spoiling her rotten!!!!