Over the past few months, Barrett has totally changed and now we can honestly explain to Mark and Melissa that it will get better with time. It's all worth it in the end and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. While we were at the baby shower talking with friends and sharing stories about having our first child...I struck up a converstation (imagine that) with this girl that seemed really quite and shy. I went on to ask if she had any children, and her reply was no...but that she was pregnant...with four. WHAT???? You should have heard how stupid I sounded. I said, "Four babies???" ha ha
I just couldn't believe I was sitting there telling story after story about how hard it was to have ONE child, and this poor girl beside me was about to have 4!
I guess the Lord gives what he knows you can handle. He knew I just needed one at a time.
I had to leave my number for her! They closest family they have near here is in Michigan. She's definetly going to need some close friends to help her out. I'm already going to start sending a few prayers her way. To all the new moms...I ask that you do the same.
If we ever HAVE a boy you have to tell me where you get all of Barrett's clothes! He is always dressed so cute!
Four Babies!!! YIKES!!!
I am loving those overalls!! So cute!!
Email me. I have organized a team for a friend from church with triplets.
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