Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ducky Tub

Since Barrett demands to sit up all the time and won't lay back in his old "baby tub", I've been dealing with how to handle his slippery little body when it is bath time. He can't quiet sit up on his own just yet, so the bath chairs that you can place in an ordinary tub are too "advanced" for him at the moment.
Thanks to my friend Diana, she told me to buy Mr. Rubber Ducky Tub! That way...if he happens to fall backwards, he will land on a softer surface.
Barrett couldn't wait to test it out. He wanted inside of it before I had it blown up!!!
The actual ducky-tub with water in it, went well. I made the mistake of putting a little toy in it and Barrett kept trying to bend over and chase I struggled with holding him upright. Oh well......he had a good time splashing and playing.
(Mom...what have you bought me now????)

"Alright...let's see if I can ROCK the boat!"

"Yeee-haw...let's test this ducky in real water!!!"

"Yikes...I hope this thing doesn't come to life!!!!"
(You should hear the will literally quack by pressing it's beak)


Hello Kitty said...


Amanda said...

You cracked me up with your commentary! Such a cutie in his little ducky tub!!!