Monday, December 22, 2008


Okay, so I was out Christmas shopping and ran across one of those little wind-up toys that flip backwards over and over. I was for sure that Barrett would find it funny and love it. Ooooops...I was wrong.
(Watch for the bottom lip...)

He's much better now. No actual harm done. I felt bad for making him cry, but once he had the frog in hand...he was happy. He realized if he holds it tight enough, the frog can't flip at all and there is no way it will startle him again! ha ha


Taren said...

I'm so sorry but I am laughing out loud right now...poor baby kept jumping everytime it would flip!! Bring it tomorrow so we can see what Camdyn will do!!! he!

Jamie said...

Poor little buddy! But, I thought it was so funny seeing him get startled with that. We don't have any names picked out right now. We have only talked about it a couple of times and he doesn't like what I like and vice versa. :) So, we will probably just wait to talk seriously about it. These dang decisions!

Amanda said...

So funny!...In a sad way of course. :)