Thursday, January 1, 2009

Out of no where....

I don't know if it's Barrett's way of saying, "'s the new year and I'm going to be more vocal", or if someone happened to slip him some caffeine...but, Barrett has started this new "squealing/grunting" thing. It's hilarious. He literally competes with Matt and I (or himself) to see how much louder he can get each time.
Bless his little heart, he did it so much today, he started coughing. His throat will probably be sore tomorrow!!!
Excuse my voice (laughing and snorting) in the background. I couldn't help it.

He and his friend Camdyn are bound to have tons of fun once they go back to Ms. Sherry's on Monday!!!! Poor Ms. Sherry...............she's going to have her hands full!!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

So funny! When you told Barrett to say "mama", Ella took your direction and blurted out "mama". HA!