Recently, he has starting pointing to things I name. Although he can't really say the words, I know he knows what I'm talking about. A lot of items I call for, he will bring to me upon request. Things like his truck, his sippy cup, his hat, his shoes, his puppy (I have to make the dog barking sound for him to do that), his stuffed monkey, little toy tiger, his books and a few other things. Believe it or not, he was playing with my cell phone the other day and it began to ring. He brought it right to me like he was saying, "Here Mom, you need to answer this".
We're in the process of picking up body parts. We've mastered EARS, TOES, HEAD and BELLY! That's a start, right? I thought we had "nose" down, but I think he might misunderstand because when I say, "nose", he just starts shaking his head back and forth (like saying no-no).
As far as talking...well, he does that nonstop, but it's all babble. The funniest thing is when he gets hurt. He whimpers and tries to talk all at the same time (like he is mad about the corner of the table hitting him in the head, or the floor for making him slip).
Words I can actually understand are:
nana (banana)
dish (fish)
uck (truck)
ba (ball)
Friday (toes, ears, belly, and head)
Thursday (ears, toes, belly)
Here are a few shots of some of the things we've been up to lately. Some are just of us around the house, and others are from being out in Throckmorton celebrating all the birthdays we've had in our family this June.
After riding around with Papa and Meme, Barrett brought me a beautiful sunflower!
Wild man!!!! Just look at his expression. That says it all!!!

Showing me how he's not afraid to get his face wet...or try to drink the water.

Showing me how he's not afraid to get his face wet...or try to drink the water.
This reminds me of the end to a gymnastics pass! Actually it's him being a little dare devil and jumping up and down in the pool.
A picture of Barrett and I on our weekly lunch date with Matt.