Monday, June 15, 2009

Good Times

I can't tell you enough how much I enjoy being at home with Barrett! He and I have had so much fun this first week off from school.
We've gone to swimming lessons, played in our baby pool, gone shopping for birthday presents, had lunch with Daddy, made a habit of strolling every night (and sometimes mornings) and we even squeezed in a quick trip to Throckmorton to visit family. Wow!!!
First time in the outside swimming pool! Ahhh! Cold, but not too bad.
Playing in the pool with my cousins Karlee and Kelsey!
Chasing and running from Meme and Papa's dog Dixie.
Playing in the backyard with Daddy in my swimming pool! Thanks Dad for getting in here with me.
Nope...I'm heading back in. It's too hot!
Now maybe it is time to get out...(or I'm curious about what is on the other side)
Ahhh I love splashing! So much fun!!!

Hey...where did my pool go? Did Daddy mow over it?? Where is it???

Found it! But where is all the water???


Unknown said...

SO fun! We are LOVING being out of school too! It's my first summer without master's classes!!! We've been to the farm with Jamey and Addi and Tulsa to see Aunt TT. Glad you guys are enjoying your time together! Let's win the lottery and not go back to work!

Unknown said...

HAHA...I just realized "ENFA" must be my sister or her boyfriend! This is Debbie!!!