Thursday, October 8, 2009

Lazy Weekend

Last weekend was rather lazy. Honestly, it was the first weekend we didn't have anything planned.
Ready for the weekend!

I spent the majority of the day on Saturday, just cleaning. I guess it was what you would call, Fall Cleaning. Barrett was great. I'm so surprised (and thankful) that he plays so well by himself. He had all of his trucks, tractors, cars, and bulldozers out (lining them up in the window sill). It's so precious listening to his little sounds that he makes with them.

It got really quite a few times and I began to panic....thinking to myself that Barrett had probably crawled up onto a shelf or something, but to my surprise, he was off in his room going through all of his books and then switching over to playing in his toy box and ABC Train. Great kiddo!!!

There were a few times he attempted to help me. Once again, it was during one of those quite moments when I thought he was playing with his own toys, and then discovered he was playing around with my Swifter and the laundry basket.
Sunday, I worked on my blog book. It's a book I am composing for Barrett that will pretty much take the place of the traditional baby book. I'm having so much fun editing, cropping, and writing! It's time consuming, but I could sit and do it all day. Matter of fact, I DID. (Thanks Matt for entertaining Barrett).

1 comment:

Taren said...

Oh you're so good...I got started a while back and I have yet to work on it anymore! Big B is such a cutie! How about this upcoming week we take them to play??? We keep saying it but this time we need to!