Sunday, January 10, 2010

This and That

I was so ready for this week to be over because I've missed hanging out with my favorite little buddy, Barrett. Although we've been cooped up inside the house, we've managed to stay busy playing, reading, and getting into mischief (#1 thing Barrett is good at)!

Please take note of what Barrett has in his hands. He brought this to Matt and I while I was trying on clothes in Macys. Awesome, right? He even started playing peek-a-boo with it! The only reason he was on "foot", roaming the mall, was because he absolutely REFUSED to sit in his stroller. It's called, "choosing your battles".


Barrett makes me laugh all the time. He's hilarious and I really do have a hard time getting onto him. His personality is exhilarating. He is my sunshine...and I mean that literally (warmth, energy, brightness, and glow). I love him!!!!
See...even HE has to wear shades!

As for me, I'm back on Weight Watchers and trying to lose some lbs! It's no fun counting points, and I'm not a big fan of having to exercise indoors every day of the week. Gym classes help a little because I'm able to workout with my girlfriends and have some "me" time. Matt's been great about letting me head off to the gym. His bike riding is having to take a "back seat" since the weather is below freezing!!!
I was ready to murder my treadmill this week. Actually it's not the treadmills's WHERE the treadmill is located in my house. I get so bored running without having something to watch. I have to keep the door shut, otherwise Barrett will try to crawl up on it with me. So, I'm literally confined in a small space running for about 30 to 45 minutes (if I can last that long).
Usually I watch our computer (thankfully it is in the same room). I'll load a slide show of all our pictures we've downloaded to the computer.
Thursday, I decided to pop in a DVD to watch while I was running. I thought maybe it would help to make the time go by faster.
Well, needless to say, I was running full speed when my treadmill LURCHED to a stop, almost throwing me off! (There is a wall right behind the treadmill that is like, 6 inches away. I almost made a hole in it).
With all due respect to my small town / country background of "fix it yourself quick" resolutions, I knew I had just thrown a breaker. So I pranced out into the garage, hit the switch, and tried "round 2" of getting my exercise in. Remember...I'm having to reboot my computer each time I do this AND restart my time on the treadmill. Not fun, and super frustrating when all you want to do is burn some calories and go get your child from daycare!
After 3 or 4 different attempts of trying to solve the problem, I realized I was kidding myself if I thought I could run with the luxury of not being bored! I guess my little guest room can't handle all the energy that is being pulled from it's outlets. Every time I would start the treadmill and begin running, it would throw a breaker and stop. Ughhhhh
Y'all...I ended up running with the lights off, the computer off, and the fan off. Just me, my treadmill, and the same old songs on my Ipod because I haven't been able to afford to buy another ITunes card lately.


Megan said...

That is tooooo funny!

Love that sharp lookin' new haircut! Wonder if Hayden will ever have enough hair to get a haircut??

And the are so good! I would have given up after the first time!

Great to talk to you today! Love you!

Megan said...

PS...whose dog?

The Hazelwood Family said...

crackin' me up!