Thursday, April 29, 2010

Reading...and the BOYS next door

We have a few favorite stories that we read, but Ace the Racing Car is one of Barrett's favorites. He gets super excited when we read it together. If we ever decide to get a pet...or if Barrett has a little baby brother one day, I'm sure he will want to name him Ace!

Barrett also has become very intrigued with the neighbors next door. He can hear them in their back yard playing baseball and football. He's constantly asking, "Angie's house? Angie's house?"
At first, I thought he wanted to go see Mrs. Angie next door (because she is the one that gives him all the sweet treats), but it's the B.O.Y.S (her children) that he wants to play with. He literally thinks he is just as big as they are (8, 9, and 14). Bless his little heart...he's trying so hard to "fit in".

Big fan of AIRPANES (airplanes) and BYODS (birds)

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