I recently moved into my new classroom with Allen ISD. I absolutely LOVE it. The building is brand new as well, and absolutely amazing. Our elementary is K-6th grade. I'll be teaching 4th grade Math. I can't tell you how happy I am about being departmentalized and focusing all my attention towards one subject!
I can hardly wait to finish decorating (so many ideas are spinning in my head that I can't sleep at night). I'll have to take pictures once it gets completed.
We're still trying to sell our house, but I'm staying positive. I think God has plan. Actually, I know he does. I've been so busy trying to get adjusted with everything that I've been experiencing professionally (new district, new teammates, new school building, new procedures, paperwork, etc...), that God is watching out for me before I stress myself completely out.
It can't all happen at once anyway, right? Seriously, I don't think I would want that...unless I planned on joining a mental hospital.
One thing at a time. Nice and easy. No need to rush.
Overall, my commute to Allen won't been too bad. I timed it the other day and it will take me about 25 minutes vs. the 15 minutes it took me to get to my previous school. That's not too bad. And, my school starts at 7:50 instead of 7:30.
On a sad note, my sweet Grandma Kovar passed away last Sunday. She had been ill and in the nursing home for about 2 years, but prior to that, she lived an amazing life. I spent a lot of time with her as a child and I have so many wonderful memories of her. She was such a special person in my life. Truly amazing. She taught me so many things about life.
Matt and I decided we needed more date nights (which I'm loving). We went out again on Saturday to my favorite place, Mi Cocina! (wink, wink)
Matt has been my rock lately. Bless his heart, he is my sounding board and I appreciate him so much! What a great, best friend to have!!!!!
Here's a look at my parent's extended back yard (past the fenced in pool area where we spend the majority of our summer). Barrett loves feeding the horses and cattle with Papa. His latest thing is climbing the fences and petting the horses. Soon, he will be able to ride!
You've got to check this out. Barrett was bitten by a mosquito on Sunday morning. This is what it looked like 3 days AFTER the bite. Really, this picture looks wonderful compared to the bite when it first happened. Every time he gets bit by a mosquito, he swells up like this and the area becomes red with fever. I hate it for him.
Even though we had him on Benadryl and applied a lot of Cortizon cream...Barrett maintained a great attitude. His sweet little self would come up to me (as he was scratching his leg), and say, "Ouchy. Make it feel better Mommy??? Peeeese?"

Now...you tell me how much fun can Chapstick be??? Barrett will tell you. He found my stash of Chapstick (bedside drawer). As I was doing laundry, I realized it was nice and quiet in the house. Too quiet!!!! I walked into the living room, and this is what he was playing with.
We've traveled a lot in the car (back and forth to Throckmorton and Seymour to my Grandma's funeral). I've had a lot of time visiting with Barrett, singing with Barrett, and listening to Barrett's movies in the DVD player!
A little swim time in our backyard.
And last but not least...our best friend Wyatt had his second BIRTHDAY! These two have the best of time together. Someone commented at the party that they acted like brothers. It's no lie...they do!!!