One of our favorite places to go this summer is Allen Celebration Spray Park. Wednesday, we were tired of being cooped up in the house, so I made a sudden decision to take Barrett out for a little fun in the sun. It was super cloudy, so I didn't know if there was going to actually be any sun...but once we arrived in Allen, the sun was out and shining bright on us!
You could tell Barrett was already getting tired and ready to nap. We sat down on a blanket and had ourselves a little picnic (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, raisins, Goldfish, and juice).
Shortly after eating...even Barrett agreed he was ready to lounge back and relax. By the time we headed home, Barrett was fast asleep in his car seat.
That rained..but one of Barrett's favorite things to do while it rains is to PLAY in it! Even though this firetruck was given to him on his 1st continues to be a "hit" around our house. He is waaayyyy too big for it, but insist on keeping it around (even though I've attempted to hide it away in the closet / attic for our next baby).
Friday, I told Barrett this his friend, Wyatt, was coming over for a play date. This is how he reacted!!! Can you tell he was just a little excited???
Barrett has a small grill with all the "fake food". He thought he would offer a few bites to his buddy Wyatt!!! I'm kind of afraid what might happen if they ever decide to make MUD pies. Will they eat them??? (probably)

This is close to 11:00 - YES...I said eleven. The boys would not slow down long enough to realize they were tired. Eventually, the fights over Lightening McQueen, Woody, Buzz, etc. started, and we had to call it quits.
This is close to 11:00 - YES...I said eleven. The boys would not slow down long enough to realize they were tired. Eventually, the fights over Lightening McQueen, Woody, Buzz, etc. started, and we had to call it quits.
Did Barrett sleep in from being up so late? Of course not. He was up bright and early the next day wanting to know where Wyatt was. I told him, "Probably asleep!!!". haha
1 comment:
Love the video! So funny...all boy!! :-) Cute pics! We miss ya'll!!
PS...Hayden LOVES the bath basketball toy!! LOVES IT!!! He immediately wants to shoot hoops when he gets in the tub!
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