Whew...it's been a while since my last post. Now it's time to play a little catch up!
Every day of the week, Barrett's preschool has some type of item to bring, color to wear, or theme. Tattoo Tuesdays are a big hit, but Wednesday was wear your sunglasses day. I'm thinking these are a bit too small for him, but oh well. I have no clue if they even made it into the school. I haven't seen them since Wednesday.

This is our latest "hide out". We set up our tent on Monday and played in it all day. We're thinking about sleeping overnight in it soon and maybe even having a few little guys over to camp out! Barrett wants to roast some marshmellows, have hot dogs, and tell ghost stories in the tent! Okay...maybe I want to do that :)

The weekend of Labor Day, the Barner family headed out to west Texas (Throckmorton and Graham) to see family! We enjoyed a spectacular weekend of playing outdoors (fishing, swimming, riding the four-wheeler, and riding the tractor) along with having a little "fish fry" with Miss Karlee's, in honor of her 9 year birthday. Of course Barrett's favorite part was sticking his fingers in Karlee's birthday cake and then blowing out HER birthday candles!
All was well, until Sunday when I noticed Barrett wasn't acting like himself. My mommy intuition told me that he was sick. Sure enough...he was. Unfortunately, his little "bug" lasted longer than 24 hours...but we're finally getting back to normal and trying to steer clear of all the germs (which is hard to do this time of the year).
**Side story......
Over the weekend, we (my mom, sister, and I) watched a set of 6 week old twins for a friend of ours in T-town. I was curious to see what Barrett would do around babies. At first he snooped around their bouncy chairs, and then tried climbing into their carries. For the most part he ignored them completely (and me), but eventually he walked up to me and said, "Mommy, whatcha hold'en?"
I said, "A baby. Do you want to see? Aren't they sweet?"
"Mommy, you hold that baby? Dat baby cry?"
Well, today, Matt and I were talking to Barrett about babies again (because he noticed one on the television crying).
I asked him, "Barrett do you want a baby?"
He said, "No".
I said, "Why???"
He said, "Dat baby would eat all my Goldfish".
I said, "Oh no they wouldn't. Babies like that don't have teeth." He looked at me like I was crazy!!!!
Are you sure you don't want a baby brother or baby sister?" I asked again.
He said, "Yeah, I want a baby sister". (Okay..I'm thinking. This is a good thing). What would you name a baby if we got one, " I asked.
"Dora Cowboy," he said
Every day of the week, Barrett's preschool has some type of item to bring, color to wear, or theme. Tattoo Tuesdays are a big hit, but Wednesday was wear your sunglasses day. I'm thinking these are a bit too small for him, but oh well. I have no clue if they even made it into the school. I haven't seen them since Wednesday.
This is our latest "hide out". We set up our tent on Monday and played in it all day. We're thinking about sleeping overnight in it soon and maybe even having a few little guys over to camp out! Barrett wants to roast some marshmellows, have hot dogs, and tell ghost stories in the tent! Okay...maybe I want to do that :)
I've been busy with school. It's a "good busy" though, I must admit. I can't express how happy I am about teaching one subject. It's greatness. Yes, I still have the pressure of the TAKS test for 3 different classes...but having to plan lessons for ONE subject vs. 5 is absolutely amazing!!!! It's been a nice change.
NFL Football Friday!!!!
Our school is hoping to win a chance to meet an NFL football player! Hopefully we'll get a visit from one if we win a top stop in the competition.
We've had some fun days at school and I'm getting to know so many new people. For a while...it was just new faces, but I'm gradually learning names and bonding with staff and students. A few of us joined a league of Fantasy Football. I was persuaded to try it, and so I signed up...named my team (Hoosier Mama)...and guess what..........for the first round of games, I'M IN THE LEAD! How did that happen???? I seriously have no clue as to what I was/am doing, but I was kind of proud that I had the highest number of points! haha
About the pictures...well, the majority of the pictures I have taken are blurry (due to Barrett running and not slowing down...which causes my pictures to turn out really bad) OR little man is hanging out in his underwear. Therefore, I apologize for not having that many to post.
I hope you all have a good weekend!!!
1 comment:
So glad to see your post!! Miss you friend!
And all that talk about babies?? :-)
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