Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hanging Out

I can't possibly tell you how much I enjoyed this past weekend with my two guys. It was wonderful. We just did a lot of simple, yet special things with one another that made the weekend so memorable.
Big Barner Breakfast! Barrett even participated in the cooking. I had him stirring the pancake mix...until I turned my back for a couple of seconds and then found a huge clump of pancake batter in Barrett's hair. Suddenly, B was off duty!

Ride around the block in daddy's truck after breakfast! Like I said, it's the "little things".

That big breakfast put a s-p-r-i-n-g in Barrett's step!

We went for a long walk in the neighborhood. Barrett even tried running with me! I would say he ran about a 1/2 mile with me! That's good for a two year old.

That afternoon, we headed out to Texas Road House to eat! Yummy
Barrett (pardon the face) had to take a souvenir with him from the place. He kept swinging it around, and I was a nervous wreck thinking about the possibility of the rock flying through the air into someone's car / windshield.

Sunday, we overhauled Barrett's toddler bed, and put him into a full size bed! Although I haven't gotten the bedding for his room...I did manage to get some cute sheets that he really likes (cars and trucks on them).
We found a great deal on his mattress. Luck was actually on our side that day!!!!
He's transitioned well! I worry about him falling off the bed (it is seriously high up...higher than ours). Barrett has to slide off the side of the bed to get down.
I do what my mama use to do with us. After he falls asleep...I take a couple of our kitchen chairs and prop them up against his bed so that he won't fall off the edge.

No more MONKEYS jumping on the bed.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I would be good to run a half a mile with you! HA! Barrett is such a cutie!