I've absolutely enjoyed every waking moment of this Christmas break. From spending time with my family and friends, to catching up on projects, and realizing how incredibaly blessed I am.
I'm looking forward to 2011, as I start my revolution (not resolution...but a revolution) to be the person God created me to be! I thank the Lord for the fresh starts and new beginnings that he has given me.
Happy New Year to all of you out there!
I'm looking forward to 2011, as I start my revolution (not resolution...but a revolution) to be the person God created me to be! I thank the Lord for the fresh starts and new beginnings that he has given me.
Happy New Year to all of you out there!
Here are a few snapshots of the fun we've had.
Testing out the four-wheeler! He's such a good driver! He loves it!
This one reminds me of a little boy looking for trouble (or about to get into trouble). If he takes after his daddy, I'm sure he will.

Barrett acting like he was in the parade (guess we've seen a few on t.v. lately, so B is acting like one of the members).
Barrett acting like he was in the parade (guess we've seen a few on t.v. lately, so B is acting like one of the members).
B finding different uses for his drum. If placed on the head...he's an astronaut! Good thinking!!
A is for Amy!
And finally, I cannot allow myself to ever forget Barrett's nightly request of having his cars in bed with him. Yes, I'll admit, it has gotten a little out of hand at times...but who's counting, right? Unable to settle for just one car, Barrett accumulated several of his favorites in bed with him. I guarantee that if I would have let him...he would have put his new bike, car, four-wheeler, etc. in there too! hahaha
Once he falls asleep, I usually sneak in his room to "clean out" his bed. I didn't realize how big the pile was, until after I lined them all up! Now don't forget, there is two actually missing in the picture. Add on the cars in each of his hands that I can't seem to PRY out!
Bring that boy and his four wheeler to the country! He and Hayden can go riding together!:-) That picture of those cars lined up makes me laugh because I know that will be Hayden VERY soon!! The first word he says when he wakes up is "Truck".
He is so cute, that 3rd picture looks like trouble :) And there is nothing like cuddleing with a tractor :)
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