Matt and I took a mini-vacation to Richmond and Williamsburg, Virgina last weekend. Our plane took off on Thursday morning and we were able to spend Thursday through Sunday as a perfect "get-away"...just the two of us.
During our visit, we drove from Richmond to Kingsville (Williamsburg) (the neatest little town with absolutely gorgeous landscaping all around) to visit Matt's Uncle Scott. He and his wife live in a beautiful gated neighborhood with the ocean on one side and a golf course in their backyard! Amazing!!! It was my first visit there, and I fell in love with the houses, scenery, and pretty much everything about it.
In addition to all the site-seeing, shopping, eating out, and touring...we attended Matt's cousin's wedding. I as I sat there watching the young couple get married, it brought back a lot of memories to when Matt and I married. I can't believe we will be approaching 7 years in June! Time flies!!!
A great trip!!! Can't wait to go back this summer with Barrett. 
View of Uncle Scott Barner's backyard. You can barely see the golf course...but I can only imagine how buy it gets during the golf tournaments.
I know it isn't spelled the same...but how crazy is it that we ended up dining out at Berret's? Just so happened to be a "hot spot"!
I told you I fell in love...right? Ha...with this CANDY SHOP! Oh my! Words can't describe how much candy was in this store. It was like something from a fairy tale! Chocolate truffles, candy apples, chocolate covered pretzels, chips, peanuts, caramels, popcorn, malts, truffles, clusters, marshmallows, etc. You name it...and they have it. Even M&Ms (every color imaginable), Skittles, Starbursts, jelly beans, suckers, bubble gum, gummie bears,......The list goes on and on. I seriously fell off my diet...and enjoyed every minute of it! ha
Had to brush up on my history a little. We had a tour through the Confederate Museum and then into Jefferson Thomas's original house (when he was president of the Confederate Army during the Civil War). Some of the artifacts inside were originals. All I kept thinking was, "I'm standing in the same room as Robert E. Lee, President Lincoln, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis". Very, very, cool experience!!!
Random house I loved! I think I'll buy it....when I win the lotto! hahaha

Sweet nephew, Jackson!!!
Brother-in-law...who B calls Uncle Bobert! (mix of Robert and Bob)
And my favorite man in the world....