Since we're talking about school, I might as well mention the fact that Barrett had to go to "time out" during recess one day at school. This is big deal! If B gets into trouble at school, he gets into trouble again at home. What did he do???? He and some of his little buddies, were caught red handed throwing wood chips on the playground. I just so happened to be picking him up from school right after he was sent to time out. He was sitting against the wall at recess and wasn't happy at all. Little tears were streaming down his face. Although he knew he was in trouble, he kept telling the teacher that he missed his daddy! Ha! That's my boy! Trying to wiggle his way out of paying the price for his punishment! As soon as we got home, I had to sit him down and explain that from now on, if he gets into trouble at school, he would have to sit in time out at home too. Then we went over the reasons it was dangerous to throw wood chips and how they can hurt other people (like, poke our eyes out and we wouldn't be able to see all the beautiful things God created)! How'd y'all like that lecture by mommy? I thought it was good!!! After our little talk...we proceeded to write Ms. Jessica an apology which he delivered the next day, along with an, "I'm sorry".
Last but not least....R O C K S! What's the obsession with them? Who knows? If it isn't cars, trains, trucks, or's rocks! Lately, we've been finding them everywhere!!!!! I stress EVERYWHERE! Just tonight, Matt discovered Barrett's back pocket full of rocks. He asked how many he had stashed away and started pulling them out one by one. Barrett tried to tell us 5 rocks...but Matt managed to count 17! That's just in his pockets I remind you. I also notice them as I walk around the house bare foot. They're embedded in the carpet (small rocks/pebbles), in the seams of the couch, in his car seat, sometimes hidden under his plate at the kitchen table, in my bathtub, in his toy box and many times found in the bottom of the washing machine and/or dryer! I love it though! Seriously, I wouldn't have it any other way!!!
1 comment:
I'm really sorry he got in trouble at school! That had to be hard for all of you. But I have to tell you I loved this post! Your stories are preparing me for what's to come! :)
Rocks in your bathtub! That's funny!
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