Barrett's always into something! Besides coloring my new doors in the house (upon the first week we moved in), learning climb the OUTER banister of the staircase, and climbing up on the cabinets like a little monkey...he also managed to almost tear down the Frisco Post Office! As I was waiting in line the other day to mail off a package, I began to realize that I was repeating the SAME thing over and over again.
Me: "Barrett, please stay beside me. Barrett, please stay beside me. Barrett, please stay beside me."
Eventually, I gave up. Mainly, because he is 3 and there is no way that he's going to stand beside me (without a fight).
What he's doing in the photo is no where near the actual destruction.
Imagine if you will, Barrett's forehead placed again the black, horizontal bands/ropes.
I turned my back for just a minute (to write the address on the package I was mailing) when I heard poles dragging across the floor! Barrett was literally pulling the entire contraption through the main lobby of the post office with his HEAD against the ropes. No hands! It reminded me of a sling-shot in a sense. I was just waiting for him to pull everything over...or bounce back...flying across the floor!!! Geezzz
Here is yet another "trick" he's perfected within the last few days. His toes are so long, he can just dig into my cabinets and climb his way to the top of my counters! Nice! It's not so bad, except he prefers to do it near the oven. Not a good choice!!!!
He's fallen in love with his Lightening McQueen watch. I had my sister and nieces down for a few days, and we ventured out to Sam Moon where they bought colorful watches. Well, he wanted a watch too, but I wasn't going to give in and buy him a watch with rhinestones. Luckily, I found a watch that was suitable for a boy...and of course, right up Barrett's alley!!!! The time isn't even correct, but he thinks he can read it!!!
Barrett: "Oh Momma! It's time to eat."
Barrett: "Momma, it's twenty".
Barrett: "Mom, it's time to GO". (That's usually when we're shopping and he's tired of it)
This is my favorite...
We were in Hobby Lobby and one of the sales associates came on the loud speaker. I'd been arguing with Barrett about how he needed to stay in the shopping cart. Upon hearing the loud speaker announcement, Barrett said, "Momma! They said I could get out now!!!!"
I painted the word search below and took it to Hobby Lobby to be custom framed. It looks a lot better closer up, and honestly, I wanted a wider frame...but man 'oh man...custom framing isn't cheap! haha My plan is to hang a few things around TRUST GOD within the word search, and find a book shelf that will fit underneath it (but long/wider than the painting itself).
I had fun painting it. It was kind of therapeutic in a way. I painted every letter with a tiny little brush. Matt thought I was crazy, but it turned out okay. I like it. It's not glamorous...but it's different.
Heading up the stairs, there was an empty space/pocket. I finally found something I like to put up in it...and won't collect too much dust. I'd actually like to put something even higher above the candle sticks (painting or metal decor)...but I don't know how in the world I would get up there. I also need to chill before I end up "cluttering". haha
This post made me laugh more than once. Sounds like such a fun age.
Yippee for trunks!
LOL! Your stories are hilarious! I can just imagine B tearing up the post office. Nice fedral felony. HA HA!
Love, love, love all your decor! Your house is PRECIOUS!! LOVE IT!
I am not sure how I missed all these posts!! I was way behind! My news feed must not have been updating!
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