Friday, August 5, 2011

Funny Phrases

Oh...I wish I had a pen/paper in hand every time Bear says something funny...but, I'd be writing ALL the time. The kid is a "Hoot".
These are just for memories I don't want to forget. I'm not the best at writing in a baby book, so I'll add it to my blog (which essential IS my baby book).
Practicing Opposites:
Me: "What's the opposite of up?"
Bear: "Down"
Me: "What's the opposite of left?"
Bear: "Right"
Me: "What's the opposite of black"
Bear: "Red" (close enough...right???)
Me: "What's the opposite of in"
Bear: "H"
* cute is that??? Little guy thought I was talking about the letter N.

If Barrett hears an odd sound or sees something in disbelief, he will shout out, "WHAT IN THE WORLD????"

Upon seeing something really interesting, "Mom, that is sooooo cooool!" or "Are you kidding me?" or "Mom, that is awesome".

When he wants our attention and doesn't have it, it's, "Hey guys, I'm talking to you" or "Hey guys, yook at me!"

We just enrolled him at Primrose Schools and he refers to it as the "rooster school". That's because their logo has a big rooster on it. When I asked Barrett about his first day, he said, "Mom, I yike the rooster school. I played and played and played and played."

Bear knows I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper. When we're in a school and about to leave, he will say, "Mom, don't forget your Dr. Pepper".

Over a year, Barrett installed (manually coated) the bed of his truck with a bed liner. Since then, Barrett refers to it as exactly that!!! He'll ask Matt, "Dad, can I get into your bed liner?"

Calls all combines that he sees out in the field, "Frank". That's because in the movie Cars 1, they name the combine Frank.

Knows his cars!!!! Big cars! Real cars on the street. The kid can spot a Camaro, Corvette, or Mustang like a hawk! The only problem is that he'll blurt out (and it's usually a scream that scares me to death), "Mom, I see a red Corvette. That is sooo cool!" or "Dad, I just saw a blue Camaro!". Whatever the case, it's crazy how knowledgeable he is when it comes to the different models of cars!
Barrett seems very aware of his surroundings. Besides realizing that we've moved from an old house to his new house....and from Wylie to McKinney, the child knows landmarks like crazy!!!! He knows the directions to turn to get back to our new house, Hobby Lobby (yes, we've spent a lot of time there), Lowes, Target, La Hacinda, Whataburger, Old Mac Donalds, Mooyah, and more!

Hmmmmm, the more I write, I'm noticing that all summer, all I've done is EAT and SHOP!!! hahah

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