Barrett, you're adorable. I love you from the bottom of my heart!!!!
Over the months, I lose count of our little conversations...but I know we have A LOT! Every morning, I take you to your preschool, we talk and sing, and most of all...laugh!!!! You yell out when a car, truck, or bus pass us, saying, "Hey....nobody beats my mom!!!" "Go faster mom!!!"
You also have a good eye for sports cars. You love Camaros, Mustangs, Corvetts, and Challengers. You are quick to know the color and type in a blink of an eye...and then expect me to "catch up to them"! haha
We sing. We sing songs on the radio, we sing your preschool songs, and lets' not forget the "Color" CD! You don't have any idea how those songs stick with me throughout the day. I'll end up humming them, singing the words, or whistling them throughout the day! It's crazy. And every time I do it, I see your little smiling face in my mind!
It's a wonderful way to begin every day.
Not too long along, we had the conversation about a book at school that had been read to you. It was about filling other people's "bucket". You explained to me that giving people hugs, telling them hello, sharing toys with others, and telling people I love you are ways to FILL a bucket.
Well, all afternoon, we did things to fill one another's bucket. You sat beside me, you were friendly to people we saw in the store, you helped me clean the house and cook dinner, and even told me how beautiful I was!!!!
Our buckets were completely filled...and probably running over!!!!
Well, that night, you were taking a shower, and your dad had to get onto you. It broke your heart.
Your little body, still dripping wet...ran to me saying that your daddy had empied your bucket.
It was so sad. Even I wanted to cry!!!!
Of course I gave you multiple hugs and had to remind you of all the times your daddy has filled your bucket (playing cars with you, playing bears and lions with you, riding bikes with you, etc.)
My sweet sweet Barrett. You're so smart and so quick to learn. One thing is for sure. You have a tender heart. I just hope no one ever breaks it on purpose. If so, they're going to have to answer to me!!!!!
Here's a phrase I've been known to say..."That's driving me nuts!" and "You're about to send me over the edge".
Well, watch what you say, especially around YOU (Barrett) these days.
You're become my sidekick, and right along with that...a parrot! Yes, just this week we were listening to a dog bark outside. It was a small dog and quiet persistant with its little yaps.
Suddenly, you stood up in your chair and said, "Mom, do you that?" "That dog barking is driving me nuts.....and, it's about to send me over the edge!!!"
I couldn't help but start laughing.
Oh my! What have I done?!?!
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