Monday, May 28, 2012
Swimming Lessons
This year we decided to enroll Barrett into swimming lessons at the Allen Natatorium. He enjoyed the class and looked forward to going every week. We're still working on getting our arms and legs going in sync at the same time...but there is one thing for certain...Barrett is NOT afraid of the water. At our neighborhood pool, he is diving for objects and using his kick board to maneuver all over the place! The kid is a FISH!!!!
Mr. Josh was the instructor, and he described Barrett as "adventurous"...meaning that he will go, do, and try just about anything!!!!
One thing that I have noticed is that Barrett smiles all the time...even when he is swimming. This sometimes has a negative effect. Water gushes between his little teeth, and he ends up swallowing a lot of water! Crazy boy! We'll be practicing on closing our mouth more this summer!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Big Brother In The Making
Big brother is the making!!! He is already such a big helper, and knowing that they were putting something together for Mallory...made him really want to work!!! I'm so happy that he is excited about his future sister Mallory Brook!!! We're ready to meet her.
4th Birthday Celebration cont...
The Magic Time Machine in Addison, Texas has been around for 25+ years or more. Matt remembers going there when he was child.
So for Barrett's 4th birthday dinner, we thought we would take him to see for himself what a fun and exciting place that it was.
Every waiter or waitress is dressed up as a type of character, and the building itself, is actually the original Addison school house that dates back to the early 1900s.
We met Papa and Gramsey Barner there, ate yummy food, and opened some really nice gifts.
What a GREAT birthday party!!!!!
Now this picture (below) is a little on the creepy side. The photographer (as a joke) takes your picture and to your surprise, he "photo-shops" it. He took our faces and switched them onto different bodies. It's hilarious...and scary!!! My face is on my father-in-law, Matt's face is on his step-mom, Barrett's face is on me, and my father-in-law's face is on Barrett.
I can't tell you how hard I laughed and continue to laugh at the picture. Why is it so funny to me???? At least I'll have some idea of what Mallory will look like! hahaha
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Birthday Afternoon
Barrett and his class had special cupcakes today for birthday! The kids were so excited...and I'm sure his teachers were too (having all those little ones hyped up on sugar)!!!
After school, we came home to get ready for swimming lessons, then gave Barrett the choice of deciding where which restaurant he wanted to go to for his birthday dinner.
His final decision (toss up between Firehouse Subs and Mooyah)...was MOOYAH!!!! Yummy!
Then, it was back home to open a couple of presents from Matt and I.
Great time and great celebration.
We still have a part 3 to Barrett's birthday too! Tomorrow is dinner with Gramsey and Papa at the Magic Time Machine.
After school, we came home to get ready for swimming lessons, then gave Barrett the choice of deciding where which restaurant he wanted to go to for his birthday dinner.
His final decision (toss up between Firehouse Subs and Mooyah)...was MOOYAH!!!! Yummy!
Then, it was back home to open a couple of presents from Matt and I.
Great time and great celebration.
We still have a part 3 to Barrett's birthday too! Tomorrow is dinner with Gramsey and Papa at the Magic Time Machine.
Barrett is 4 Years Old
Wow! Four years ago, I was blessed with an amazing gift from God. I truly believe with all my heart that our children are given to us in hopes that we learn from them, mold them into Christians, and love them unconditionally.
People always told me that when you have a child, you develope a whole new meaning of love. It's true. There is no love like that of mother to her child. It is effortless, genuine, true, and one of a kind.
I am so in love with my son, and thank God for such a special, special, gift.
Barrett you are happy, kind, helpful, lovable, energetic, spunky, tender-hearted, and have an imagination that is out of this world. I love watching you play. I could sit for hours and just watch you...just like I did when you were an infant.
Your latest...
People always told me that when you have a child, you develope a whole new meaning of love. It's true. There is no love like that of mother to her child. It is effortless, genuine, true, and one of a kind.
I am so in love with my son, and thank God for such a special, special, gift.
Barrett you are happy, kind, helpful, lovable, energetic, spunky, tender-hearted, and have an imagination that is out of this world. I love watching you play. I could sit for hours and just watch you...just like I did when you were an infant.
Your latest...
- You and your daddy have a nightly ritual of playing Lions and Bears. I'll have to get a picture or video of this event for your memory (although I know you will never forget).
- You're so excited about baby Mallory! I know you're going to be a great big brother. You've already been so helpful, and each day taking steps towards being more independent.
- You love dinosaurs, riding your bike, playing outdoors, swimming, watching "your shows", playing with HotWheels, and so much more.
- You're great about keeping yourself entertained...and not having someone else do it for you. You definately have a mind of your own.
- You smile ALL the time!!!! I think you have my smile (or at least that is what everyone says).
- We play "Guess what I am" every night before we go to bed! You're very good at this game.
- You're currently going through the Band-aid phase. You think you need a bandaid for every little cut.
- You'll take cold baths. It's crazy! The colder...the better.
Pre-parties for Barrett's 4th
We had a pre-party for Barrett this weekend in Throckmorton with Karlee, Kelsey, Meme and Papa Barrett, Aunt Brandi and Uncle Corey!
Kelsey's birthday falls on the 12th of May and Barrett's is the 15th.
Every year, they celebrate together! I think it is the sweetest thing!!! Kesley is great! She certainly doesn't mind sharing.
We also had a fabulous day in Graham (pre-party there as well) as we were able to see Barrett's KK, Meme, and Grandad.
GREAT start to Barrett's 4th Birthday!!!
We recieved so many wonderful pole, tackle box, bear claws for digging in the dirt/sand, clothes, pjs, a western belt, dinosaurs, a gigantic bubble blower, and shoes.

Kelsey's birthday falls on the 12th of May and Barrett's is the 15th.
Every year, they celebrate together! I think it is the sweetest thing!!! Kesley is great! She certainly doesn't mind sharing.
We also had a fabulous day in Graham (pre-party there as well) as we were able to see Barrett's KK, Meme, and Grandad.
GREAT start to Barrett's 4th Birthday!!!
We recieved so many wonderful pole, tackle box, bear claws for digging in the dirt/sand, clothes, pjs, a western belt, dinosaurs, a gigantic bubble blower, and shoes.
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