Monday, May 28, 2012

Swimming Lessons

This year we decided to enroll Barrett into swimming lessons at the Allen Natatorium.  He enjoyed the class and looked forward to going every week.  We're still working on getting our arms and legs going in sync at the same time...but there is one thing for certain...Barrett is NOT afraid of the water.  At our neighborhood pool, he is diving for objects and using his kick board to maneuver all over the place!  The kid is a FISH!!!!
Mr. Josh was the instructor, and he described Barrett as "adventurous"...meaning that he will go, do, and try just about anything!!!!
One thing that I have noticed is that Barrett smiles all the time...even when he is swimming.  This sometimes has a negative effect.  Water gushes between his little teeth, and he ends up swallowing a lot of water!  Crazy boy!  We'll be practicing on closing our mouth more this summer!!!

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