Monday, October 11, 2010


We took Barrett fishing over the weekend. He did a great job, but I've already decided that we must invest in getting him is own fishing pole. He doesn't share very well, and has no fear of the metal hooks!
Here are some pictures of our fun time.

Checking out the perfect spot to fish. This looks like the perfect place.
We caught one! So exciting!!!

Should I touch it or not???

How about a kiss??? Sweet little fishy!

Rock on! Now that the fish has been caught, he's off to yet another interest...climbing and jumping off the big rocks!!!

Can't stay still! I'm surprised he didn't fall into the pond! Trust me, I was prepared!


Taren said...

One thing...I am laughing at those pictures below! So cute!! How did they get him to dress up in that gear?? :)

Megan said...

The country girl in me is LOVING this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) Such a fun day!

Jennifer said...

Cutie pie, B! I miss you guys so much!!! MiCo's SOOOON! Love you all!!!!