I saw first hand how tender hearted my little guy can be today. He's such a free spirit and always smiling, but when we first got to the park, he ran into some girls that weren't very nice to him. Barrett found a pile of "unattended" acorns and began picking at them, when suddenly, two girls ran up to him and started grabbing them out of his hands. They pretty much pushed him aside and told him that he wasn't allowed to play with "their" acorns.
My little guy took a huge deep breath and made this face. It was so sad. I could tell his feelings were hurt.
I really wanted to pull the "mommy card" and give those two a piece of my mind...but instead, I redirected Barrett to the rest of the playground equipment.
Shortly after the episode of the Mean Girls, a couple of other sweet girls approached Barrett and started playing with him. I believe that had been witnesses to the drama (or probably even victims). I think Barrett thought they were his cousins. He took right up with them and they played for over an hour!!!! I'm thankful for good natured little children (like those two sisters) that recognize when other kids feel lonely, out of place, or get their feelings hurt. They were a blessing today.
Friend...how on earth did you refrain from busting out the mommy card? Whew! That's a hard lesson for a precious little boy!
Looks like he ended up having lots of fun!
OH, that would be so hard to remain quiet! That poor face. I'm glad to hear it ended on a happy note!
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