KK was such a big help. She not only cleaned my house, but made delicious meals each night for our family and played with Barrett non-stop! I know she was probably tired leaving here, but we sure did/do appreciate her!!!
Matt's making incredible progress. He's mentioned several times that he is ready to ditch the crutches and he's ready to ride his bike! I'm thinking we'll be able to get rid of the crutches soon...but the riding of his mountain bike and playing basketball is going to have to wait (close to 4-6 months). Yikes!!
-Matt won't be pleased that I posted this picture of him...but it was too funny to pass up. Pre-op surgery was a chance to bust out my camera, even though Matt wasn't happy about it. Here he is giving his signature to operate on the left knee. Shortly afterwards...he went "night night".

24 hours later - Not too bad. Lots of swelling, but the initial incisions look great!

Monday, Matt was back at work and Barrett and I had the pleasure of seeing our friends Megan and Hayden. I don't know why we wait so long between our visits, but I'm going to make an attempt to see them more often!!!
Monday, Matt was back at work and Barrett and I had the pleasure of seeing our friends Megan and Hayden. I don't know why we wait so long between our visits, but I'm going to make an attempt to see them more often!!!
We exchanged gifts, and look what we got!

Barrett played all evening with his power drill. I showed him how the surgeons performed surgery on Daddy's "hurt leg". Soon after...Barrett was ready to drill away on Matt's other knee! Awesome! Maybe there will be a doctor in the family!

Of course we couldn't resist the mall. Megan and I did a little shopping, let the boys play on the playground, and dined at Gloria's for lunch! Fabulous day!
Barrett played all evening with his power drill. I showed him how the surgeons performed surgery on Daddy's "hurt leg". Soon after...Barrett was ready to drill away on Matt's other knee! Awesome! Maybe there will be a doctor in the family!
Of course we couldn't resist the mall. Megan and I did a little shopping, let the boys play on the playground, and dined at Gloria's for lunch! Fabulous day!
1 comment:
I like that resolution. I think I make it every year. One of these days, I think I'll actually have the time to accomplish it! :o)
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