Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas '09

Our Christmas officially began on the morning of the 24th here in Wylie. Matt, Barrett, and I decided to start off the day by having our "own" little, family Christmas with just the three of us. Santa knew we were heading out of town, so he made a special trip to drop by our house! That's pretty cool of Santa...don't you think???
Santa left B a new table and chair, Batman sofa, Hot Wheels, Trucks, and little Elmo people

We made our usual journey to west Texas, and along the way, we literally got caught in a blizzard. It was snowing and sleeting like crazy, with wind speeds up to 50 mph. We laughed along the way because it was blowing snow (which we don't see that often).
Our first stop was in Graham. The snow started to accumulate...and began to pile up quickly. The next thing we knew, the roads began to get really icy. We ended up cutting our Graham Christmas short, so that we could head over to Throckmorton. We do plan on heading back out to Graham this weekend for our "2nd try" at Christmas.
Snow piled high in Graham at Matt's grandparent's house.
At 20 mph and 2 hours later (usually a 45 minute trip from Graham to T-town), we made it to my parent's house.
Christmas day was fabulous! Gifts, food, and family! What more could you ask for? Oh yeah...SNOW. Yep, we had that too!!!! We all went sledding (down the tank dams), had a few snowball fights, and dad even pulled our sleds on the back of his 4-wheeler!!!! Country Christmas...that's for sure!
Looking out from mom and dad's front porch.

Christmas Day morning at Meme and Papa Barrett's house. This tent is huge. There are two tents connected by a tunnel.

Santa Picture

There was a "young" Santa that visited Cornerstone (Barrett's preschool) during the holidays. Unfortunately, Barrett wasn't very excited about sitting up on Santa's lap. Due to the turn out of this particular snapshot, we decided not to take him to the mall and wait in the long lines this year.
Better luck next year, right?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Family Pictures of 2009

This year, we took family pictures in Throckmorton. Barrett did well for the most part... as long as he wasn't asked to pose. The photographer tried to pick up as many natural moments as she could. Here are a couple of the pictures taken.
I'll try not to spoil my Christmas cards I'm sending out this year.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Age Confusion

Barrett THINKS he is two! Seriously, I've been trying to teach him his numbers and letters...but this boy is stuck on the number TWO and the letter B. I guess you could say they were his favorites.
We're also working on saying Christmas. That's a long word for an 18 month old to say. So far, we can say "Chris". That's good enough for me.