Friday, April 29, 2011

This and That...

It's about time for me to start making Barrett's 3rd Blog Book. Should I go with my previous books through Blurb...or does someone have another suggestion. After working so hard on the yearbook for my school this year...I don't think I can take a lot of cropping, editing, coloring, etc. Please send me your thoughts and opinions.

Tonight we "attempted" family pictures. I'm hoping to get one or two good ones...but the wind was atrocious and my almost 3 year old find no humor or excitement in posing for the camera. I guess it's a "boy" thing. The best part was when he crawled up really high on some giant rocks near the waterfall and said, "Hey, this is where I want to take a picture". Bossy britches!

Matt bought me a pair of cowboy boots as an early Mother's Day gift! I've been wanting a pair, especially after seeing Ms. Megan's sassy pair she got for Christmas!!!!

Although you can't see them in this candid....I did wear them out tonight! Love them!!!

This week was the annual TAKS testing for my fourth graders! Barrett help support them by wearing Mommy's class shirt to school. I had some well needed bonding time with Barrett as well. Matt was gone for 3 days and nights, leaving just the two of us. B was perfect, but anxious to have his daddy back home.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday 2011

Wow...what an amazing Easter Sunday!

Bright and early, Bear was awake to see what the Easter Bunny had brought. He kept saying, "Man...the Easter Bunny must have hopped a long way to leave me these eggs." Poor thing is probably confused on how and "why" we say that it's a bunny with eggs. Why don't we just have a big chicken that leaves eggs??? It think the whole concept confuses kids if you ask me!Our next stop was FBCC in Carrollton. I love our church. Incredible service...along with amazing family and friends.
After church, we headed out to West Texas to visit Matt's mom and grandparents. Meme celebrated her 86th birthday and Barrett had, yet another egg hunt (which had to be moved indoors due to the rain).
Then, it was back to Wylie that afternoon (out-running the storms from Graham to Denton). Eventually, we were safe and sound back home...where Matt packed to leave for Hilton Head, SC at 5:00a.m. this morning!
Whew!!!! Busy...but enjoyed every minute of it.

***By the way...I don't know what is going on with the Blog editing tonight. I'm frustrated because I cannot rearrange the pictures in the right order. It's seriously "acting up"!!

Oh well. My OCD will just have to wait until a night where I have more patience!!!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Annual Easter Egg Hunt 2011

Every year Barrett's preschool puts on an Easter egg hunt, and word has it...this year he and his friends were WILD and CRAZY about gathering the eggs. My friend Amy said that they boys were practically running over one another and came close to knocking each other down in their attempt to collect as many eggs as possible. I, unfortunately, didn't get a chance to take any pictures, but I had a lot of moms/teacher friends rooting him on during his egg hunt. He was so excited to show me all the eggs (and C A N D Y) he mangaed to get at his school's Easter party. I've had to hide most of it...from him...and myself!!!!
Today we had our church Easter egg hunt. It is also an annual event, and I absolutely love the park in which is located. We met up with Gramsey and Papa where we had a picnic lunch, played in the bounce houses (even the ones for the BIG kids) and participated in an egg hunt. Yes, you guessed it, more sugar for mommy and Barrett. Daddy Matt isn't much of a sweets person. That means MORE for us! ha

Read the sign. I told you we were on the "BIG KID" bounce house...but seeing that it says "TALL" makes me giggle.

Tried to take a picture after the hunt. You can almost "hear" B saying, "cheeesseeee", but he just won't look back at the camera when he says it!!!

Loving on his Papa Barner!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Virgina is for Lovers

Matt and I took a mini-vacation to Richmond and Williamsburg, Virgina last weekend. Our plane took off on Thursday morning and we were able to spend Thursday through Sunday as a perfect "get-away"...just the two of us.
During our visit, we drove from Richmond to Kingsville (Williamsburg) (the neatest little town with absolutely gorgeous landscaping all around) to visit Matt's Uncle Scott. He and his wife live in a beautiful gated neighborhood with the ocean on one side and a golf course in their backyard! Amazing!!! It was my first visit there, and I fell in love with the houses, scenery, and pretty much everything about it.
In addition to all the site-seeing, shopping, eating out, and touring...we attended Matt's cousin's wedding. I as I sat there watching the young couple get married, it brought back a lot of memories to when Matt and I married. I can't believe we will be approaching 7 years in June! Time flies!!!
A great trip!!! Can't wait to go back this summer with Barrett.

View of Uncle Scott Barner's backyard. You can barely see the golf course...but I can only imagine how buy it gets during the golf tournaments.

I know it isn't spelled the same...but how crazy is it that we ended up dining out at Berret's? Just so happened to be a "hot spot"!

I told you I fell in love...right? Ha...with this CANDY SHOP! Oh my! Words can't describe how much candy was in this store. It was like something from a fairy tale! Chocolate truffles, candy apples, chocolate covered pretzels, chips, peanuts, caramels, popcorn, malts, truffles, clusters, marshmallows, etc. You name it...and they have it. Even M&Ms (every color imaginable), Skittles, Starbursts, jelly beans, suckers, bubble gum, gummie bears,......The list goes on and on. I seriously fell off my diet...and enjoyed every minute of it! ha

Had to brush up on my history a little. We had a tour through the Confederate Museum and then into Jefferson Thomas's original house (when he was president of the Confederate Army during the Civil War). Some of the artifacts inside were originals. All I kept thinking was, "I'm standing in the same room as Robert E. Lee, President Lincoln, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis". Very, very, cool experience!!!

Random house I loved! I think I'll buy it....when I win the lotto! hahaha

Sweet nephew, Jackson!!!

Brother-in-law...who B calls Uncle Bobert! (mix of Robert and Bob)

And my favorite man in the world....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

School Work

Just had to post this! Thought it was funny. The teacher had to make a special note to tell us that he did follow directions and he does know the letter J...however, he just couldn't resist eating the jelly beans!!! Too tempting.I hate to admit it, but I would have done the same thing.

Since we're talking about school, I might as well mention the fact that Barrett had to go to "time out" during recess one day at school. This is big deal! If B gets into trouble at school, he gets into trouble again at home.
What did he do???? He and some of his little buddies, were caught red handed throwing wood chips on the playground. I just so happened to be picking him up from school right after he was sent to time out. He was sitting against the wall at recess and wasn't happy at all. Little tears were streaming down his face. Although he knew he was in trouble, he kept telling the teacher that he missed his daddy! Ha! That's my boy! Trying to wiggle his way out of paying the price for his punishment! As soon as we got home, I had to sit him down and explain that from now on, if he gets into trouble at school, he would have to sit in time out at home too. Then we went over the reasons it was dangerous to throw wood chips and how they can hurt other people (like, poke our eyes out and we wouldn't be able to see all the beautiful things God created)! How'd y'all like that lecture by mommy? I thought it was good!!! After our little talk...we proceeded to write Ms. Jessica an apology which he delivered the next day, along with an, "I'm sorry".

Last but not least....R O C K S! What's the obsession with them? Who knows? If it isn't cars, trains, trucks, or's rocks! Lately, we've been finding them everywhere!!!!! I stress EVERYWHERE!
Just tonight, Matt discovered Barrett's back pocket full of rocks. He asked how many he had stashed away and started pulling them out one by one. Barrett tried to tell us 5 rocks...but Matt managed to count 17! That's just in his pockets I remind you. I also notice them as I walk around the house bare foot. They're embedded in the carpet (small rocks/pebbles), in the seams of the couch, in his car seat, sometimes hidden under his plate at the kitchen table, in my bathtub, in his toy box and many times found in the bottom of the washing machine and/or dryer! I love it though! Seriously, I wouldn't have it any other way!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Guys

Had to post some of these cute pictures of Barrett and his daddy hanging out today!!! We had an early morning out to eat breakfast, then we went to the park.
Matt chased Barrett all around the park (I wasn't on chase duty because #1...I had on flip flops, and #2...I had the camera)!

Fun times with my two boys!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Who knew a box could be so fun???

My project this weekend was to clean out two (yes I have managed to create TWO "junk closets"). I reorganized and boxed up items that I'd been collecting / saving...realizing finally...why???? No more clutter! 3+ boxes (and more once I hit the attic) will be shipped off to Graham for the annual garage sale!!!