Friday, April 29, 2011

This and That...

It's about time for me to start making Barrett's 3rd Blog Book. Should I go with my previous books through Blurb...or does someone have another suggestion. After working so hard on the yearbook for my school this year...I don't think I can take a lot of cropping, editing, coloring, etc. Please send me your thoughts and opinions.

Tonight we "attempted" family pictures. I'm hoping to get one or two good ones...but the wind was atrocious and my almost 3 year old find no humor or excitement in posing for the camera. I guess it's a "boy" thing. The best part was when he crawled up really high on some giant rocks near the waterfall and said, "Hey, this is where I want to take a picture". Bossy britches!

Matt bought me a pair of cowboy boots as an early Mother's Day gift! I've been wanting a pair, especially after seeing Ms. Megan's sassy pair she got for Christmas!!!!

Although you can't see them in this candid....I did wear them out tonight! Love them!!!

This week was the annual TAKS testing for my fourth graders! Barrett help support them by wearing Mommy's class shirt to school. I had some well needed bonding time with Barrett as well. Matt was gone for 3 days and nights, leaving just the two of us. B was perfect, but anxious to have his daddy back home.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I still have yet to make a book!!! Sorry, no suggestions here. :(

I NEED to see your new boots...picture please! :)

Your candid shot is GORGEOUS! I think you are just getting prettier and prettier. :) :)