Saturday, May 30, 2009

Water Time

We took Barrett to a swimming class this weekend to see if it would be something we would like to do this summer.
I really can't explain his reaction to what he thought about it. He wasn't scared, he wasn't cranky, he didn't even panic, however...he didn't smile, splash like he normally does in our bathtub at home, or even show much excitement. I guess the best word to describe his behavior today is SKEPTICAL. He noticed that it was a much bigger body of water, and there were a lot of kids and parents there in the "big tub" with him.
The good thing about it was that he participated in the songs and overall was a great sport! I'm proud of him.
We'll probably start classes this summer and I'm hoping he will get adjusted a little more to going under water, taking a breath of air, and learning a few correct techniques of becoming a beginner swimmer. I don't expect for my child to be swimming, much less floating on his own. I just want him to be comfortable and confident in a big body of water.
If anything, it will give Barrett and I a special "play date" for the summer weekdays.
Sorry about the pictures. They aren't very clear. The lighting inside the place wasn't very good.

Memorial Day FUN

Last Monday we went over to Farmers Branch to celebrate Memorial Day with the family. It was a beautiful day. We had a little cookout, played a few games of washers, and Barrett even squeezed in a nap while we all visited.
Being outside and relaxing the whole day made me so excited about the approaching summer! I'm so ready to spend some quality time with my baby boy, and take time to be with Matt as well. I've already lined up a few babysitters so that Matt and I can plan some dates for the two of us. We'll have our anniversary in June, along with Gramsey's birthday, Meme's birthday, Papa's birthday, Father's Day, mommy's (my) birthday, and cousin Jack's birthday. That's all in June.
When July hits, we'll have Matt's birthday, Lauren's birthday, and of course, the festivities of the 4th of July!!!!
I think all we're going to do this summer is PARTY!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Day Trip to Graham

Since some of the family didn't get a chance to make it to Barrett's birthday party last weekend, we decided to take him to Graham to see everyone. Matt's mom, aunt and uncle, and grandparents haven't seen Barrett since he started walking...and boy were they in for a surprise.
We had a great day. They bought him a cute birthday cake and of course had a lot of presents to spoil him with. What a fun time we had!!!
We can't wait to test out the bubble mower!!!!
Going for a ride with Grandad!


Barrett is starting to like hats (of all sorts). I love it. I think he looks so cute in them, although some of the hats he chooses to wear are a little strange. We did manage to get a decent looking cap from Bass Pro and he wore it the entire time we went strolling and continued to keep it on while he went out to breakfast with Daddy. Too cute!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

1 Year Check-up - Allergy tests

Today, had to have been one of the saddest days of my life as I watched my poor baby boy have his blood drawn for the first time. I just thought the routine shots at the doctor's office were bad enough (3 different shots in the upper thighs)...but when we decided to test Barrett for allergies, the doctor said it would require having a little blood drawn. LITTLE?!?!?
We had to take him to a Lab Quest location (very sterile environment that is NOT kid friendly). They had to fill two viles (two tubes) with blood!!!! It literally broke my heart as Matt and I had to hold him down while the guy stuck a needle into his arm. That wasn't the worst part. Not only did he get a "bad vein" in the process, but he had to pull out the needle and then apply another needle to the opposite arm. Barrett was not happy about that at all.
All three of us were sweating by the time we finished up and I felt like he deserved the best baby award for being stuck 5 times in one day (within a hour). What a rough afternoon.
No worries. He's such a good sport. We gave him Tylenol, loved on him all evening, and Matt rocked him to sleep...but didn't even want to put him in his crib. We felt horrible. Hopefully the lab work will show evidence of any allergies he might have so that we can help him out in the long run.
Poor Barrett. I'm so sorry. I just know his arms are going to be bruised tomorrow...and he'll be sore all over.

Overall the routine check-up was MAGNIFICENT!
Weight - 26 lbs
Height - 34 1/4 inches
Developing great in all areas!
The doctor even commented on how muscular Barrett's back and calves were! WOW!!! Go little stud!

Happy 1st Birthday

We've turned ONE! Can you believe it?

Here is a recap of the day...
For his first birthday, we had a small party for him at the house. As luck would have it, it rained outside and we had to move on to plan B...but I wasn't going to let it ruin our day.

Barrett had a great time, and was in a spectacular mood. I thought he would hit the sack early on, but he was a 100% party animal (in which we paid for in full price the following day).
Saturday afternoon, Matt and I left him with an old student of mine while we attended my sister-in-law's surprise 40th birthday party. Allie (the babysitter) has two dogs and that was all it took for Barrett to stayed entertained!!!! We came back to pick him up around 11:00 and Allie told me that he had only been asleep for about 15 minutes! WHAT?!?!?!
Needless to say, Barrett had a hang over the next day. His nose was running, eyes were watering, and he wouldn't take a nap Sunday. Maybe he was just irritated with the fact that it was no longer considered his birthday. Who knows?!?!
We're not quiet sure if he had allergies or if he was just coming down with a cold...but gradually, we've gotten over it.
We ended up with a lot of gifts, including toys, clothes, shoes (boots and crocks), books, back-packs, sippy cups, and even money! Boy what fun!!!
The "set up" - Theme: Farm Party
Barrett's PERSONAL cake - Yummy chocolate!!!

I'm not saying he is two in this picture. I'm actually "counting off" before we started singing happy birthday.
He got thirsty after trying the cake.
Time to sit in his chair and get busy opening gifts.

Okay...this is funny. I thought I had caught him playing with a new toy, but instead I caught him in the act of playing with Taren's TOES!!!! It's okay. I know she has clean feet.

New train!!!
New fire truck that makes all kinds of cool noises!
Remember me telling you that he didn't sleep well all night? This picture was taken at 4:30 AM Sunday morning!!! He refused to go back to sleep. I should have taken a picture of the CLOCK instead!!!
Barrett, Aunt Jennifer, and mama of the birthday boy!

New boots! I think we're ready for our first rodeo!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

This weekend was my very first Mother's Day, and it was fabulous. The morning began with Matt letting me sleep in, and Barrett was even cooperative by sleeping in himself until 7:45! Once he started babbling into the monitor, I couldn't help but get up and greet him! He's my little ray of sunshine.
We actually spent the day just hanging out. Matt and Barrett gave me a beautiful Mother's Day card, along with a gift certificate to Massage Envy! Getting a massage is one of my favorite things, and since I've just started a new workout program, I could really use it!
After Barrett's mid-morning nap, we decided to take a little drive around the "country" side of Wylie. We ended up in Rockwall, where we ate a late lunch and then shopped for patio furniture.
While we were out, we bought Barrett his first pair of tennis shoes. They are so cute, but MAN...this kid is already wearing a size 7! Can you imagine what he will be wearing by the time he hits his teenage growth spurt. Yikes!!!!
He's walking all over the place, however the shoes made things a little bit more complicated. I guess he is use to gripping the floor for balance with his little toes. The shoes stopped his ability from doing that, but not for long. I'm telling you, this guy wants to run. His body just can't keep up with his legs just yet!
Here is a picture of his new shoes. Just after the shot, he stumbled and fell....face first into the side table by our couch. Poor guy. He had a little bruise on his forehead, but he wasn't going to let it stop him! Keep up the good work Barrett!!!! Mama loves you.