It's been a while since my last entry. I apologize.
We did have our 9 month checkup, and NO SHOTS! Yipee!!!
weight - 24 lbs 3 oz
height - 31 inches long
We had a healthy report and our latest challenge is introducing him to table food.
Everything else is going great! I couldn't ask for more.
Here are a few other things.........
-eating stage 2 and 3 baby foods (some table foods like mash potatoes, spaghetti Os, lunch meat)
-crawling everywhere...and with speed
-pulling up
-beginning to squat
-takes little steps with our assistance
-loves banging things together
-opening and closing doors
-drinks out of a cup
-smiles and recognizes words (he will look in the direction of the light and certain toys)
-has little quite conversations with his toys (I'm hoping this is a sign of a good imagination)
-pulls out the night light from the wall
-loves dogs (laughs out loud at them)
-reponds to people when they talk to him on the phone
-rubs his ear when he is sleepy
-favorite toys (door stoppers, unfolded laundry, laundry basket, balls, tupperware, night light, hammers, and remotes)
Two short stories about Barrett
#1. When he is sleepy he will start playing with his ears. I can put him in his bed, give him his pacifier (which he will grab from my hands and put directly into his mouth), give him a little blanket, and he will lay down. It's really that easy. Ms. Sherry helped to train him! I still rock him at night though. That's extra time for Matt and I to cuddle with him. I dread the day he is too old to rock.
#2. Barrett has started a new expression. He wrinkles up his nose and opens his mouth. It's the cutest thing ever. In pictures, it might seem as though he is mad, but it's the first step to a huge grin.