Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mom...with a Teaching Moment

Just the other day, I started teaching Barrett about the days of the week. Then, by coincidence, they must have started a little unit on days of the week at school.
Barrett came home today singing a song, "Popcorn, Popcorn, Every Day...". The next thing you know, he's rattling off the days of the week. I'm impressed!
We've been learning some different Bible stories too. Barrett's favorite is the story of David and Goliath!
Listen to his song...along with his warning to me about dropping the camera in the tub!

He can tell you how many weeks a caterpillar stays in the cocoon., the days of the week (almost all of them), and we've mastered spelling our name!

We have two huge tubs full of books, along with an entire shelf of them in Barrett's room. He has his favorites, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar (hence learning about the days of the week) has become one of choice.
Uncle Corey had given Barrett a fishing lure, in which Barrett called a caterpillar. He'd been playing with it in the living room, when I reminded him that the caterpillar would soon crawl into his cocoon.
Barrett knew exactly what I was talking about.
So, that night, I snuck into his room after he fell asleep and replaced the caterpillar with two white cotton balls wrapped up in tape. (Okay, so it was the closest thing I could think of that resembled a cocoon with supplies on hand at home).
The next morning, Barrett saw the cocoon and realized the caterpillar was gone!!!! You should have seen the excitment on his face (that's really what I should have video taped)! We agreed not to touch the cocoon, but instead wait for 2 weeks (I loved hearing him say that every day) until the caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly.
Two weeks later (not exactly, but enough to teach my lesson), I replace the cocoon with a beautiful, purple butterfly (decorative one I bought at Hobby Lobby).
Barrett thinks it's real and wants to keep it in his room!!! He talks to it and makes sure that "she" is well taken care of before he goes to school or sleep at night.
Kind of silly...but it was fun seeing his little face light up for each stage of the caterpillar's growth!! Plus, he learned a lot!!!! Those are the fun memories that I love creating!!!!


Megan said...

Aww!!! I could eat him up! Keep the videos coming. I LOVE THEM!!!

You are such an awesome mommy and teacher too!

I love the caccoon/butterfly idea!

Jamie said...

That is such a sweet story! Yes, I'm with Megan, you ARE a great Mommy!