Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lions and Bears

I'm not sure how to explain these pictures in words, but I can assure you that it's a nightly event (production/episode/routine)!!!
And it's one, that only Matt and Barrett share together.  They love to wrestle, and with Barrett's imagination running wild, it has turned into what we call, "Lions and Bears".  Apparently, Barrett is the Lion that attacks the Bear (Matt).  The Bear goes crazy trying to wiggle off the Lion, but the Lion manages to stay on. 
It's all fun and games and they LOVE doing it!!!!  Matter of fact, when I ask Barrett about some of the specific things he likes about his dad...playing "Lions and Bears" are the first words out of his mouth!!!!
 A video would be much better, but I had to capture some pictures so that Barrett would remember when he looks back through his scrapbooks!!!!

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