Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Must Tell

The other day, the kids and I were hanging out at the house.  Barrett and Mallory were watching television (Bubble Guppies) and I was upstairs.  Barrett does a fabulous job of keeping an eye on Mallory if I'm busy, so it was just a normal after school evening. 
I had left some Goldfish crackers and water for the kids to snack on.
All was going great, until I heard Mallory coming up the stairs.
As she turns the corner, I notice red all over her shirt, on her neck, hands, and coming out of her mouth.
My first thought was, "Oh no...she's bleeding", but after smelling her shirt and getting closer, I realized she had found her way into my bathroom...make up drawer...LIPSTICK! 
Yes, she had dug her fingers down into the tube of lipstick, then tried applying it to her lips.  Of course it ended up on her neck, clothes, and deep within her fingernail beds!  Oh my!!!
She was NOT happy when I tried to take her picture.  Nor was she happy about me taking the tube of lipstick away.

She loves SHOES too...especially her brothers.  She'll put on my shoes, her daddy's shoes, her shoes...but always finds her way into "Bubba's shoes".  It's too cute!!!  The best part is watching her try to walk in them.

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