Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Last Part of Spring Break 2011

We're soooooo excited about this coming weekend. Matt surprised Barrett and I with tickets to see a real, live, Thomas the Train over at Grapevine this Saturday. We haven't told Barrett about it yet. We're going to wait until Saturday morning!!!! I can't wait to see his expression and the look on his face once we arrive!!! So much fun, and (as you know) lots of pictures to come!!!!
My little guy is getting so big. He can almost cross a few monkey bars all by himself. Have you all tried that at our age? Yikes! Body weight is a big deal when you're 33 years old! hahaha

We took a trip to the zoo last Friday. We had a nice time, but it was really crowded and parking took forever. It's not fun telling an almost 3 year old that they have to sit in the car when the zoo (and animals) are in plain sight right next to the car.
Once we got inside and saw our favorite animals (elephants, giraffes, and monkeys), we were all in a much better mood!
Saturday night, we planned on grilling out, but it's just been so windy. We decided to have a family dinner date. Notice B's watery eyes. The allergies circulating in the wind...just isn't fun for my boys (Barrett and Matt).

1 comment:

Kaci said...

He is so dang cute!