Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Slide

We bought Barrett a slide. He loves it. I was kind of hoping it would keep him from climbing onto the couches and tables...but so far, no luck!

I also took some pictures of him dressed to go have lunch with Daddy today. We've been taking a day each week to meet Matt for a lunch date. Today was our favorite, The Blue Goose!!!! Yummy! Barrett did a pretty good job, but then decided that he wanted to pull off the table cloth. Thank goodness he didn't succeed.


Taren said...

Oh my! Those last pictures of Barrett are unbelievable! He looks like a little California dude! If we ever have a boy...that is exactly how I want him to be dressed...and yes, I love the spiked hair!

Jennifer said...

He is so darn cute! I can't wait to get together with ya'll! I think Megan said the 20th-yea!!!