Monday, March 8, 2010

Bed Toys

Barrett is obsessed with taking toys to bed with them. No, they're not your cute, little, soft, stuffed animals. Instead, they're things like metal Hot Wheels, Little People (tractor and trailer) or his big John Deere.
(Picture Matt rocking him with that big tractor)

Matt and I have to rock him to sleep while he is holding these toys. The funny thing is, you never know what he is going to want until the very last minute. I'm a little afraid about sending him to stay overnight with relatives because I might not pack the right toy for that particular night.
Friday night, Barrett insisted on sleeping with his shoes on. Matt and I decided to choose our battles and let them fall asleep with them on. I snuck into his room for a quick picture, then took them off.
(Debbie...check out which shoes they are - Caiden should be proud)
And check out this sweet little imagination. He did this all on his own while I was cleaning house Saturday.
Barrett definitely has a mind of his own.
Lately, his favorite words are, "my turn", "mine"and "move". Ha (I really shouldn't be laughing).
We went to the Ft. Worth Zoo on Saturday. Those posts will be coming soon :)

1 comment:

The Hazelwood Family said...

AUGH! Caiden does the same thing with his toys. They "sleep" on his dresser however we've woken up several mornings with the toys mysteriously in his bed!