Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Break 2010

My Spring Break has flown by! Here is a quick update. (I say it is quick, but you all know how I can ramble on). I'll try to make it quick.

  • Two date nights with Matt. Mi Cocina (date night #1) and our kitchen table (date night #2).
  • Baby ducks sent home with Barrett from Meme and Papa's house. Actually, they were given to Barrett from Aunt Brandi, but I know my daddy had everything to do with it (the initial idea came from him). Barrett has enjoyed the ducks and he's even kind of protective of them (he constantly says, "My ducks, my ducks"), but as you know...I'm the one cleaning up after them.
  • Lots of play time, park time, walking time, stroller time, and GOOD times with Barrett. I love him so much!!!
  • Lunch date with Matt (Barrett and I love meeting Matt for lunch when he is working). It's one of our highlights during the summer time.
  • Went to see Dear John with my friend, Debbie. We bawled our eyes out! Unfortunately, we didn't have any Kleenex, but if we did...we would have gone through the entire box!!!
  • Read a novel by Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song (same author of the Notebook and Dear John). Loved the book and I can't wait to see the movie at the end of this month! I won't forget the box of Kleenex this time. I needed it as I read the book, so I might just bring a couple of EXTRA boxes to the theatre!!!!!
  • Shopping. I think Barrett has officially hit the stage where he doesn't like to shop with his mommy. He's a boy. I should have realized shopping was going to be a bad idea.
  • It all started when he refused to leave the fountain area ("water fall" as he calls it). After coaxing him with a variety of sweet treats, I managed to get him closer to the exiting doors of the mall. That's when he spotted the shiny, red, CAR (you know, the ones that you insert change into and lasts a couple of seconds before shutting down?). He didn't care if you had to put money into it or not. He wanted to play in it forever! I literally had to pry him off of the car, which certainly didn't make him happy. Don't forget...I'm ALONE and he's not a small 22 month old. He was horizontal in my left arm, arched back, kicking and screaming. Meanwhile, I've got bags falling off my shoulder, a purse, and a stupid umbrella stroller that I'm trying to maneuver through the aisles. It wasn't very pleasant to watch. People were stopping and staring. I knew what they were thinking...("Girl, you need to get that under control). I will say was all my fault. I pushed Barrett to his limits. He was a wonderful shopper with me until he got tired. I should have left the mall much earlier around his original nap time, but instead I kept shopping. I'm sorry little buddy!!! Next time, you can ride those toys for as long as you want.
  • Cleaned house
  • Ran...but made a lot (and I stress a lot) of bad eating choices. It's time to get back on track, but when you're at home, it's so easy to "cheat" on a diet!
  • Hair cuts
  • Attended a birthday party for Ella. I can't believe our "babies" are all turning TWO!!!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Ducks!! You are such a good (and brave) Mommy!

I know my time is just around the corner! We all push the limits on our times out. We don't get that many of them! Hayden has had his share of melt downs already! :-)

Glad ya'll had some date nights too!

I want to see that movie and read that book!!!

So sad that SB is almost over but summer is almost here! Woot woot!