Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Barrett's 2nd Birthday

Matt surprised Barrett on the morning of his birthday with his favorite breakfast treat, donut holes (or as Barrett calls them, "doneys"). Just the three of us had a private little celebration with donuts, milk, and a few presents for Barrett.
Good morning Birthday Boy!

Happy Birthday to you....

We planned on getting him a big sand box and some playground equipment for the backyard (every little boy needs a sand box and slide), but we decided to wait until we move into a new house before we bought it all.
Funny story about the picture below....
We bought Barrett a Leap Frog Jr. gadget that has a little device you run across words in a book and it reads it out loud. You can even download books and record your voice in it. One look at it, and Barrett yells out, "A rocket!". I didn't even know that word was in his vocabulary. Ha ha He refused to let me show him how the device actually worked. Instead, he grabbed the "rocket" and ran around the living room making a rocket/airplane sounds.
This is a picture of his face when we told him that it WASN'T a rocket and that you were suppose to READ with it. His express was like, "What???????? You want me to read with it?????????"

Luckily, his party didn't get rained out and there was a fabulous turn out of many friends. Barrett had so much fun. He was running around squealing, laughing, and jumping. I was chasing him all over the place just to take a few pictures.

Eventually, I was able to steal him away to eat some cake and openof presents (by the way...don't even get me started about the outcome of his cake. Just know that it wasn't suppose to be Nemo).

This is how you wash your hands and face after eating cupcakes with ORANGE icing.

And this is how you get a drink if you get thirsty.
Like a bullet, he took off as soon as he blew out the candles. He didn't even try to eat his whole cupcake. I was kind of worried that he wouldn't open his presents too. You know little boys at this age...they just want to PLAY! Luckily, he opened a few, and one in particular caught his attention (thank you Ashley and Kate). Once he opened up his big dump truck, he ran off again to the play area and was oblivious of anyone or anything else that was going on around him!!!!!

It was a great day, perfect place for a party, and so much fun!!!!
Oh....I can't forget to mention the LOVE connection at Barrett's party. Our good friend Wyatt is a little flirt, and he sure was charming little Miss Riley. As soon as he laid eyes on her, he stood in a trance at her stunning beauty! Really! It was too adorable watching him try to talk to her.

1 comment:

Spamp said...

Looks like TONS of fun! I love the Nemo cake!