Thursday, October 18, 2012

Busy, Crazy, Life...and LOVING It!!!

Where to begin?!  We've been busy and I honestly think the best update will be for you to SEE for yourself.  Enjoy the pictures of October!
Mallory is going to Michele's house during the day while I'm at work.  She (Michele) and her entire family, (Brandon, Heather, and Jim) are so sweet to Mallory!  I can tell they love her like their own!!!!  I can't thank them enough for taking care of my sweet baby girl and caring for her during the day. 
Michele takes her strolling every morning and evening, as she picks up Heather and Brandon from school, and Michele is right around the corner if I need to get my "baby fix".  Just last week (my first Friday back), Michele brought Mallory up to have lunch with me!  Nothing gets better than that!!!!  I didn't even eat!  I just held and cuddled with my baby (along with showing her off) for my entire lunch break!

Barrett has been super busy too! At school, he's been to a pumpkin patch recently, visited with an officer from the Allen Police Department and just finished voting for the Primrose favorite friend. I think it is neat how his little school participates in all the current events. Barrett even brought home a voter's registration card! How cute is that?! He's having a good time and loving every minute of it. 

We even managed to squeeze in a night out with Pierce and his momma, Courtney at Chick Filet last night!!! Just the mommas and their boys! Good times!!!

On top of that, Barrett has learned to ride his bike withOUT his training wheels.  He was a little intimidated at first, but after putting on elbow pads, knee pads, gloves, and a helmet...he was ready to roll!
We've almost mastered it, but continue to practice taking off and adjusting our balance!!! 

What else???  Well, I started back to school, and I'm so happy!  I was ready to go back to work.  I've been able to get back into the groove of everything, meet a fabulous group of students, and see my friends!!!  I work with an amazing fourth grade team, and it was so nice to be back in their presence.  I was told that I keep them laughing!  They keep "in line" too!  We have a ball at work!!!  I'm glad to be back!!!!

I'm back to running.  Yep, 4 miles is the most I've run at once, but eventually, I'll make it back to 6 miles.  I think I'll set a goal to run in a few 10Ks this next year, and HOPEFULLY, a 1/2 marathon!  It's a goal for my future for sure.  It just may take some time accomplishing it!!!!  Wish me luck!

Here are more just random snapshots!  I'm so in love with my precious family!!!

 Small "home town" of Throckmorton.  Where else could you be front and center with the marching band????  That's my Barrett...sitting right in front of the band.  You can't see it, but all the people were sitting in the stands behind him.   My child must get special treatment by getting to get down on the field! haha

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