Friday, October 26, 2012

Oh How She Loves Him!!!!

Isn't she lovely?  I couldn't agree more!!!  Everyone that meets Mallory, compliments her beautiful lips and long eyelashes.  I must agree, she IS an adorable little girl.  I just can't get enough of her.  She's beginning to sleep longer lengths through the night (10 pm to 6 am...and sometimes 7 am).  I'm so proud of her...and thankful that she's allowing mommy and daddy to get some rest! 
Matt and I can't get over how much Barrett's baby pictures and Mallory's pictures favor one another.  It's true, she looks a lot like her brother at times, but I've noticed a few differences myself.

One thing is for certain, she LOVES her big brother.  I love watching her gaze into his direction, smile at him, and sometimes laugh.  Her laugh is a "silent laugh" right now.  It's one of those that she opens her mouth and squints her eyes....but unfortunately, no sound really comes out just yet.  I'm sure eventually it will!!!  I just know that Mallory and Barrett are going to have a great relationship.  They already do!  Barrett loves her...and OH HOW SHE LOVES HIM back!!!!  Barrett plays with her, takes care of her, and always wants to be with her.  He even talks about missing her when he's at school.  I love that about him.  B never complains, always has a smile on his face, and is very tender hearted.  He is kind and compassionate.  I hope he never changes.  Thank you God for such an amazing little boy!!!
MB coos quite a bit, and occasionally makes sounds like she wants to carry on a conversation.  Especially when reading a book to her with pictures.  Our babysitter Michele put photos of Barrett, Matt and I into a little book, and she when she shows it to Mallory, that Mallory will kick with excitement, coo, and even smile at the pictures!!!!  Now THAT melts my heart!!!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

So precious!! Love reading all your posts!! I agree that Mallory and B look a lot alike but definitely see some differences too. Love and miss ya'll!!!