Saturday, August 23, 2008

Televison Already???

I know it's probably not the best source of stimulation for a baby...but Barrett has found the television. He loves watching his Baby Faith videos and we recently discovered that he actually tuned in to the Olympics!!! No kidding! I hope he paid close attention to Micheal Phelps.

Now we can't stop him from watching t.v. He hears the sound and will literally turn his head until he can see the picture.

Tonight, he was watching a cartoon while Matt and I were eating. We could hear him squealing in the other room!


Taren said...

Oh gosh, I think he learned that from Camdyn! Hey, as long as it is educational or fun for them to watch, I will let her do it! He is a precious thing!

Amanda said...

I just played this and it made Ella lie! :) That is too funny.