Friday, August 13, 2010

Singing in the Tub

We're not quiet ready to try out for America's Got Talent...but I did manage to capture Barrett singing in the tub tonight. He has been singing all sorts of different songs this summer: R-E-D Red (color song), Twinkle Twinkle Littler Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Rain-Rain-Go-Away, and a little bit of Jesus Loves Me. Oh, and don't forget all the of the NickJr. songs. We know those by heart.
I've literally chased Barrett around the house trying to get him to perform, but as little boys like to do (plus I think it is his ornery personality)...he runs away saying, "No mommy!".
Tonight was a little different, so I recorded what I could (while he was cooperating).
*Give it a little time...and he'll really crank it up! At first, he tries to whisper...but eventually you'll be able to hear him.

And yes, he likes to make his "own" bubbles, so please excuse that...(and the shaking of the camera as I'm laughing).


The Hazelwood Family said...

That is hysterical! LOVE it! Couldn't have timed that one any better!!! Imagine playing that at his rehearsal dinner!

The Barner Bunch said...

Great idea Debbie! I'll be saving this video for sure!!!