Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Power Dot Story

I know I can ramble...but I really do have a sweet story about my innocent little boy.
Sunday (during the Cowboy game), Barrett and I spent time drawing. We traced our hands, wrote our names, practiced our spelling, and (my favorite thing), drew some silly faces.
Barrett has managed to draw a circle (which I'm really proud of), and he is recognizing the sounds of all his letters!!!!
During all of this, I began drawing a simple circle and asking Barrett to tell me what to put in it. He would tell me eyes, mouth, ears, and then (so sweet), he would say, "it needs a power dot".
Doesn't that just make you melt?
At least he isn't thinking his hemangioma (birth mark) is a boo-boo anymore. I taught him many months ago (when he really started noticing it in the mirror) that his dot was special. I told him to call it his POWER DOT because it made him have special powers like all of his super heroes that he admires.
Good new, it is fading and the latest school picture, they completely photo-shopped it where you don't even see it (see below in my post - School Pictures Fall 2010).
On a funny note, even though I don't have a power dot, he certainly will be the first to point out a pimple on my face and refer to it as a power dot! hahaha
This video is of Barrett tracing and spelling his name. Normally...he tries to spell it without looking at the letters. Matt and I laughed so hard the other night because he would spell his name like this: "B - R - R - T - T -T"

1 comment:

Jamie said...

What a sweet sweet story, Amy! Power dot. I LOVE it! You are such a good Momma!