Monday, October 11, 2010

School Pictures Fall 2010

Thought I would share with you the two most recent school pictures Barrett took at Cornerstone. I don't know how that got him into the outfits OR how they got him to sit still and pose...but I thought they did a great job. The pictures (for school shots) turned out cute.
(Excuse me for being "redneck"...but since we don't have a scanner at home, I took a picture of a picture! hahaha Pretty creative, don't you think?)


Megan said...

HOW STINKIN' CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such a little poser too!

Ok, I think of you every time I have my camera out chasing Hayden around. He is way too busy for pictures! I so remember you talking about that with Barrett!

The Hazelwood Family said...

LOL...I always do/did that with pictures. But, we went to buy new ink for our printer last week and realized we could by a new printer with copier & scanner for the same price as the ink replacement was going to cost AND, the ink for this one is 1/4 of the cost whenever we do need to replace it. I can now scan pictures!