Saturday, October 2, 2010

Home-town Happenings

My hometown of Throckmorton had their biannual Homecoming. It's always fun to catch up with high school friends, watch a little 6-man football, and participate in the "Fall football" celebrations such as the Saturday morning parade. Most the town is involved in the I always find humorous to see who is actually there to watch it.
Cousin's Kelsey and Karlee (even Aunt Brandi) were ALL in the parade.
Kelsey is a Jr. High cheerleader! Aunt Brandi was on the 2nd grade float because she is the 2nd grade teacher, and Karlee just wanted to be involved, so she drove the golf cart down the street and threw candy to all the kids (I find that hilarious that an 8 yr. old is the driver).
The weather was great, we grilled out at my sister's house, caught up with some old friends that I hadn't seen in 10 to 15 years, and did so much laughing at my stomach hurt the next day.
I miss being out in the country so much...especially having Barrett at the age he is. I guess it's the thought of letting him "roam freely". Here, we have to worry about traffic, theft, and just the "high-pace" of things. Out in West Texas (where most of our relatives live), every thing works at a much, much, slower pace. It's actually kind of "nice".
I plan on exposing Barrett to that lifestyle as much as possible! Get ready grandparents...many weekends in the country will be spent with you!
"Hmmmm, where should I begin building my road?"
Helping Meme rake the leaves!
I don't know if you made it down this far in my post...but I leave you with this sad face. Yes...although we're doing fabulous with being trained how to go "tee-tee"...we're having a hard time with mastering "movement #2".
Barrett has NO DESIRE to sit on his potty. We've tried EVERYTHING (treasure box, candy, stickers, "good choice/bad choic", firm talking to, buying a little potty that plays music, reading B's favorite books). Nothing is working. Thoughts? Suggestions? Prayers????


Megan said...

I loving that boy in his boots!! I am so glad he gets to be a country boy! :-)

As far as the potty goes, I am sorrry. I am no help! Can I just say how much I DREAD potty training? I can pray though! :-)

Dewawn Wiest said...

He will do it when he's ready. Try not to stress about it!

The Hazelwood Family said...

OMG-he looks so old in these pics! How long has it been since we've seen you?! Dr. told us today (about Caiden's thumb sucking) to ignore it and let him stop on his own time (AUGH-I hate that!) But maybe that's what you should do...just wait it out and let him decide when he's ready to start. We were told the more you talk about it, the more they might try to resist it. ???